Creating an Online Platform for Collaboration in Moodle

In the event that we are under a mandatory quarantine, committee meetings, staff meetings, and 1:1 meetings, and accomplishing day-to-day work can be challenging. There are several options for accomplishing this effectively.

Request a Moodle Course for Your Office/Department/Team

If you are interested in using Moodle to collaborate with other members of your office, department, committee, or team, this can be an effective way to share documents, carry on conversations, and make decisions without being in the same room or even on campus.

What do I need to do?

Contact Kristi Burch to request a Moodle course. Once a single member of the group is added as a Teacher, that individual can add everyone else to the course using the documentation listed here.

To Access your Moodle course (once you have been added to the course)

      • Navigate to CentreNet (don't login.)
      • Click on the Moodle icon in the Launchpad. 
      • Login using your Centre credentials.
      • You will see a list of the courses you are enrolled in on your Dashboard.
      • Click into the course to view or edit content (depending on your role.)

To Edit your Moodle Course

      • Click on the Settings wheel in the upper-right corner of the course page.
      • Click Turn Editing On.
      • A series of Add an Activity or Resource and Edit links will appear in the center of the page. This is where you can begin adding content.

What do I add to my Course?

      • With Editing on, you can drag and drop documents, images, or URLs directly into any of the topics. (You may wish to add PDFs or Word docs, images, a link to a YouTube video or website, etc.)

Using the Add an Activity or Resource Link, you can add the following activities

For other activities and resources you can use in your Moodle course, refer to the Centre Moodle Knowledgebase.

Modifié le: samedi 7 mars 2020, 12:35