Setting up and Using Zoom

If you wish to use Zoom for a class session, online office hours, a staff meeting, to connect 1:1 with a colleague, to collaborate with colleagues, or to create asynchronous material for your courses, the resources below will guide you through the process.

Getting Started with Zoom

Zoom is Centre's preferred videoconferencing platform, but it does so much more. With Zoom, you can record sessions like a screencast or lecture capture, share documents and your screen, collaborate in real-time, and conduct class or a meeting as if you were all in the same room.

  • Everyone at Centre has a Zoom account by default. If you've never used Zoom before, simply navigate to and login using your Centre credentials. This will establish your account as active.

Use this handy cheat sheet to get started with the Zoom process from account creation to downloading the Zoom app, to scheduling and starting meetings.

Sharing the Screen with Zoom

One of the versatile features Zoom offers is the ability to share your screen, making it helpful for presentations or even collaborating using a whiteboard (one of the options when you click Share Screen.)

Use this link to learn about how to share the screen in a Zoom meeting.

Recording a Session in Zoom

If you would like to record the meeting or session in Zoom for asynchronous class lectures or review, you might find this walkthrough helpful.

Last modified: Monday, March 9, 2020, 12:57 PM